Our History

Summit's Australian history began in 2012 when we partnered with Origin Energy to research and introduce alternative drilling by-product disposal methods. 

Historical drilling by-product disposal practices in Australia were more evasive and required digging pits and leaving material onsite. Industry and regulators were looking for a less invasive and more environmentally friendly by-product disposal option. Practices across the globe were researched and land-based disposal options utilised in North America were identified as a viable option in Australia. Summit was invited to participate in introducing Landspray While Drilling (LWD) as a disposal option and began setting up the trial and processes in 2012.

These trials were based on Canadian and International disposal practices, where Summit is the leader in this market segment, and in 2014 the first LWD disposal job occurred in Australia and were a resounding success. As a result of these successful trials, Summit Liability Solutions, a professional Canadian consulting and services company, incorporated SLS Environmental in 2015 to continue implementing these services and provide additional environmental services and assessments under the SLS Environmental brand.

Summit Liability Solutions, originated in Canada in 2005 and grew to be one of Canada's most respected environmental service and assessment providers with 10 offices across Western Canada. In 2018, the entire Summit Group of Companies, including SLS Environmental, re-aligned our brands under Summit, An Earth Services Company and launched a new logo as part of a holistic brand refresh initiative. SLS Environmental is now Summit, An Earth Services Company, or simply - Summit.

Summit has become the leader in providing environmental services and assessments and drilling by-product management services across Australia and Western Canada. The demand for Summit's diverse expertise and patented Navigator technology has opened the door for global expansion including The United States and consulting services to Saudi Aramco.

Summit is headquartered in Brisbane, providing a variety of environmental services to various industries and Australia's leading corporations. Summit possesses a unique global perspective and skill set with respect to managing drilling by-product and dealing with environmental sustainability. We have incorporated this global experience with Australia's leading talent to create the new leader in professional environmental services and assessments. 

Summit is a dynamic service provider with experienced and well trained personnel and management. We employ local personnel and leadership and support this expertise with the support from Canada as needed. Our personnel are educated, experienced and knowledgeable in a variety of environmental services and assessments. We are confident in our ability to deliver industry leading service and unparalleled customer service.